May 2023 - BOBI

Unilateral Hand Contractions: Using bobi for Boosting Performance


Unilateral Hand Contractions

In our quest for improved mental and physical performance, science often uncovers surprising techniques. One such approach is unilateral hand contractions. This simple action of gripping and releasing one hand repeatedly has a remarkable impact on specific brain regions. Consequently, the practice of rhythmically squeezing an object, such as a tennis ball, is a significant area of interest for researchers, thanks to its influence on brain function. So, read till the end to learn the science behind this fascinating area of science, and arm yourself with bobi,revolutionary wellness device to help boost your brain function and performance.

Unveiling Unilateral Hand Contractions: The Intersection of Simple Actions and Complex Outcomes

Unilateral hand contractions may appear straightforward, but the related implications for brain functioning are profound. Pioneering research reveals that these contractions impact our brains in a complex and far-reaching manner. There are specific neurological outcomes which are determined by the hand we engage in repetitively squeezing.  Notably, hand contractions activate the contralateral hemisphere (the side of the brain opposite to the hand in use) of the brain. This practice is fascinating for its potential emotional and cognitive impacts given specific sides of the brain relate to emotional and cognitive functions.

Moreover, current studies show that certain brain areas, such as motor and language regions, previously considered independent, are, in fact, interconnected. This understanding has deepened the interest in unilateral hand contractions as it highlights their potential influence on cognitive and linguistic processes.

Performance Enhancement: Harnessing the Power of Unilateral Hand Contractions

The concept of optimal brain functioning is pivotal in understanding the performance-enhancing potential of unilateral hand contractions. For example, research has concluded that squeezing an object with your left-hand leads to increased creativity. The increased creativity results from artificially activating the right hemisphere of the brain (through left handed squeezing).

Other key research findings include:
• A comprehensive study (Activating the Right Hemisphere Through Left-Hand Muscle Contraction) found that left-hand contractions of a rubber ball improved ‘novel language comprehension’. The researchers suggested that these contractions offer “a simple and efficient method for boosting right hemisphere activation”.

Another study (Getting a Grip on Memory: Unilateral Hand Clenching) discovered “large or very large” effects of unilateral hand contraction on enhancing human memory.

• When someone engages in hand contractions this boosts the activation of the cerebellum as well as other key brain areas associated with cognition and emotion. The cerebellum, by way of example, is a crucial brain region associated with motor coordination and cognitive processing.
• In a study (Sports cases from choking under pressure) replicated across different sporting activities, it was found that athletes who squeezed a ball with their left hand, prior to the performance, did not show deterioration under high-pressure situations.
• Repetitive handgrip contractions are considered one of the best interventions to improve motor performance in the opposite hand. This demonstrates potential applications in motor skills enhancement and physical rehabilitation (Benefits of repeated unilateral handgrip contractions).

Alpha Brain Waves, Stress, and Anxiety: Unveiling the Mind-Body Connection

Antonio Lennert, in his work ‘What Happens To Your Brain When You Surf?‘, asserts: When Alpha wave activity increases, we are reaching peak performance.

Monitoring brain wave activity has shown that left-hand unilateral contractions result in increased alpha brain waves. These waves, one of five types (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta), are instrumental in achieving a relaxed mental state.

Unilateral hand contractions: Using bobi for enhanced performance
Alpha frequency brain waves

The increase in alpha brain wave activity has been linked with several mental health benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety levels. It can even help people maintain better focus. Consequently, increasing alpha wave activity has become a therapeutic goal for conditions like anxiety and depression. Other therapeutic approaches that seek to increase alpha brain waves include biofeedback and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). There has also been a massive increase in the consumer market for dietary supplements that aim to stimulate alpha brain wave activity.

PTSD, Neurodivergence, and Alpha Brain Waves: Towards a Better Understanding

Research (Brain waves and PTSD) focusing on the impact of PTSD on the brain has found that many individuals with PTSD exhibit abnormally reduced alpha brain wave rhythms. Brain training targeting modulation of alpha brain wave activity has been recognized as an effective treatment modality for PTSD. Its potential to alleviate the hyperarousal associated with painful memories makes it a sought after intervention.

Alpha Brain Rhythms
Alpha re-bound following neurofeedback

Unilateral hand contractions, by shifting the hemispheric brain balance, can influence thought processes significantly. It is now recognised that this technique represents a viable therapeutic intervention and could aid individuals with language impairments, or other disorders related to hemispheric imbalances. For instance, a recent study (Unilateral muscle contractions enhance creative thinking) concluded that:

“… tilting the hemispheric balance toward the processing mode of one hemisphere by motor activation can greatly influence the outcome of thought processes. Regardless of the specific mechanism involved, this technique has the potential for acting as a therapeutic or remedial manipulation and could have wide applications in aiding individuals with language impairments or other disorders that are believed to be related to hemispheric imbalances.”

Harnessing the Power of Unilateral Hand Contractions with bobi

Understanding that unilateral hand contractions have profound benefits for performance and mental health, the question becomes, how can we integrate this into our lives most effectively?

Eminent German Psychology Professor Jurgen Beckmann, known for his pioneering work within sports performance, has researched the benefits of unilateral hand contractions throughout his career. He concluded a key feature of unilateral hand contractions was the requirement for a certain level of resistance. He further emphasised the hand motion needed to be a “dynamic movement, like pumping”.

Unilateral Hand Contractions: boosting performance with bobi

Enter bobi, a groundbreaking consumer wellness device specifically designed for this purpose. bobi, comfortably held in your hand, becomes your partner in the exercise of unilateral hand contractions.

An added advantage of using bobi is its role in regulating your breathing rate. This not only complements the exercise but also amplifies the stress-reducing benefits of unilateral hand contraction.

The combination of this simple action, performed with the aid of bobi, becomes a potent tool for managing stress and enhancing focus in everyday life.

In Conclusion: bobi, A Potent Ally in Brain Health and Performance Enhancement

Our brains are indeed ever-changing organisms, with new synapses constantly being created or destroyed. Study upon study have highlighted unilateral hand contractions as a novel and readily accessible intervention for mental health and performance. Despite these recommendations, the application of this practice has been limited, mainly due to the lack of a viable and functional consumer device. bobi fills that gap, providing an efficient and effective tool that facilitates unilateral hand contractions.

To echo Antonio Lennert’s words: The mind has the power to heal itself, but very often it lacks an effective tool to do so. Interventions at different and deeper levels are required to produce further change and to help the growth.

The utilisation of bobi for unilateral hand contractions can serve as that effective tool, enabling us to tap into the mind’s power to heal, grow, and optimise its potential. In this journey towards improved performance and mental health, embrace bobi as a companion to harness the inherent transformative power of your brain. Because, it’s not just a tool, but a steppingstone towards holistic wellness and peak performance. Get your bobi here and benefit from unilateral hand contractions!



The history behind the making of bobi

The bobi story, at its inception, involves an unassuming coastal village located in Turkey. At that time bobi’s founder, Damien Thomas, was attending a yoga retreat. Damien had recognised that months of isolation, and exposure to substantial work pressure, were taking a psychological toll. He was leading the first international war crimes investigation involving the Islamic State in Syria.

Damien in Turkey
Damien in Antakya, Southern Turkey. 2014

After returning to practice as a psychologist, Damien observed the impact of mental health issues, particularly among school students. At the time Damien was working as a psychologist in an outreach clinic at a local high school. Between appointments, he rhythmically opened and closed his hand to match a slow breathing rate. This was a profound moment on the journey towards the creation of bobi.

Client after client, no matter the demographic, had presented with dysfunctional breathing patterns. Damien had attempted numerous interventions to support his clients in learning and maintaining, better breathing habits. Very few of his clients found the available supports, including mobile phone apps, to be beneficial. The intersection between what his clients needed, and his own experience, motivated to bring bobi to fruition.

No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.  – Victor Hugo

The long and burdensome journey of bringing a concept to its ultimate conclusion begins with the testing of ideas. Damien had settled, conceptually, on what bobi should do. But translating the concept to physical reality relied on an embrace of the abstract.

The Humble Sprinkler Head

History Behind bobi
The humble sprinkler head!

The humble sprinkler head represented the first and most significant concept of bobi’s physical development. Damien, at one point, held the sprinkler loosely in his hand and realized he had stumbled on a key part of the puzzle. Incorporating a valve onto bobi, allowing for ‘control of fluid release’, remains the cornerstone of the device’s functionality.

Over the months that followed, a natural curiosity was chained with a determination to provide a method of support to his clients. Damien eventually sought collaboration with Australia’s leading industrial design firm, Design + Industry, and a period of scientific exploration began.

History Behind bobi
bobi – early design sketches. Courtesy of Design + Industry

Damien remained true to his initial vision: Improve the lives of any person through a simple and accessible device that coaches better breathing.

He also recognized the importance of physical touch, including as a fundamental human need. Design elements included the incorporation of a back of hand strap that responded with a gentle touch when bobi was compressed.

The result: bobi

history behind making of bobi
bobi internal render image. Courtesy of Design + Industry

A simple, durable, patented device to coach its users in a preferred breathing practice. And that is only the beginning of the ‘bobi’ journey. Overwhelming scientific research has not only confirmed the importance of breathing in regulating emotions. Numerous papers are now stating that the very practice of squeezing a tactile device in the left hand has many neuro-sensory benefits, including regulating cortisol, enhanced cognition, sports performance, and psychological readiness.

bobi was invented with the clear intention of supporting anyone to improve their well-being.

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